
Letter to the grade 4s of 2020

Dear grade 4s of 2020 Welcome to the senior primary campus and I hope you enjoy your time here. This the the advice I can give you as you start your new adventure that i hope will be helpful REMEMBER TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK  Start studying as soon as you the test is assigned  Wear a cap at break  Be quiet when told to be Hang out with the right crowd Listen in class Some of my favorite things we have done in the past three years that you might enjoy is the beach outings that you'll have in every year here, books by night is really fun it is were we come to school at night in our PJ's' get hot chocolate and listen to stories all the teachers decorate their classrooms to a genre that there are given and you select 4 of them and listen to them in different sifts another thing i enjoyed is ILT which is were you spend a week learning or doing activity's about something fun. If you are a sporty person you might enjoy the flowing Athletics day which is where you ca...


A digital footprint is what you post and who you are on the internet. What I mean by that is what do you post what do you comment on other peoples post and who do people think you are on the internet. If you have a bad digital footprint it could mess up your hole career, because even if you press delete is will always be somewhere in a folder easy to get out by a future boss . Not only is it important to have a good digital footprint for your future but also for the present, if you want to make a new friend and you give them your Instagram, Facebook or Twitter  account user name and they check you out and you have posted posts you really shouldn't have or had a inappropriate caption they will be unsure whether they want to be your friend or not.   

My email to Davids parents .

your kind regards Bailey

Email Etiquette

Today we had to learn about email etiquette . We learned That you must always put a salutation ,be polite, Never use Caps Lock,Give a specific subject,be professional and sign and proofread. e.g Dear Mrs Kent Math fractions revision 2 I would like to know when our fractions paper is due because I would like a little extra time with someones help . kind regards Bailey this is a perfect way to email your teacher .


     This is Repel My characters name is Repel . this is her name because her power is to move things in other words she repels them. Her symbol is a lighting bolt because her power is to move electrical objects. For me my favorite part  In our short movie the was a seen where she wrapped metal around her opponent . An other one of her powers is that she has a super brain meaning she is credibly smart. I would like to improve the model like how she looks because she got certain colors where it didn't mean to go . Off topic of my superhero my favorite superhero is Hermione Granger I chose this character because she is one of the main characters and my favorites in my favorite movie franchises and book series this is Hermione Granger best friends with Ron and Harry but i specifically chose her because everything Harry Potter accomplished he could never do with out Hermiones love for reading.

poetry ILT

Last week we had our ILT based on poetry. we learned the beauty of poetry . We learned that poetry is a type of writing that has many different forms and it should make others calm. people write this form of writing because poetry brings joy to others and makes people feel good or they have a wild imagination and they would like to share that with the world . During this ILT we did many different tasks, to learn about other poetry types , the tasks we did was a black out poetry witch is done by taking a black marker and a piece of paper from a book and circling words to make it a poem this was probable the most challenging because it was hart to make it a poem  ,the next task we did was a poetry slam with is like putting a poem in a skit ,then we did Terminology witch is taking a bunch of words and learning the meaning of the words and making it in a slide show ,the imagery poems was my favorite task because we had to draw a picture inspired by the poem and I love drawing...


In class we are reading the Wonder   book  and Mr Brown teaches us all about Precepts my precept is The only person you should try be better than  is the person you were  yesterday  What this precept means to me is don't want to be better than anyone else but if you made a mistake or were rube or maybe even the best version of yourself there is always tomorrow to do better than what you did yesterday  What is a precept ? they should push you when you are stuck and help you not to give up and if you find a precept that really means something to you you can use it to help you when you are sad and maybe make you feel better  well a precept is a quote, saying or words he give you inspiration or hopefully the rest of your life